orb.gex - GrADS Extension Library for Satellite Orbit Masking


orb.gex - GrADS Extension Library for Satellite Orbit Masking


GrADS Commands:

run set_orb PARAM VALUE - Set internal parameters

run orb_track SATELLITE - Plot satellite orbits

GrADS Function:

display orb_mask(EXPR,SAT[,SWATH_WIDTH|SWATH_LEFT,SWATH_RIGHT[,dS]]) - Mask EXPR according to orbit


This library provides GrADS extensions (gex) for simulating satellite orbits and masking gridded variables according to these orbits. The calculation in this extension is meant to be a simulation of the satellite orbit and should not be used for forecasting real satellite overpasses. This calculation is not based on realtime Two-line Element (TLE) data.

GrADS datasets are given on a constant time interval. For a given GrADS time index t, satellite orbits can be simulated for the interval from t-0.5 to t+0.5. During this period the satellite describe a ground track which can be plotted with the command orb_track. With function orb_mask() one can mask gridded variables by setting to undefined those gridpoints which were not visited by the satellite, with the possibility of specifying the swath width and halo gridpoints.

When combined with a compression algorithm (such as in GRIB), satellite masked variables can use considerabily less storage space.


Plotting orbits

One can plot lines depicting the satellite ground track with the orb_track command:

 ga-> open model
 ga-> d ts
 ga-> orb_track aqua

Instead of lines, one can also use marks to plot the ground track,

 ga-> set_orb mark 6
 ga-> orb_track aqua

Masking variables according to satelite orbits

This example shows how to set to undefined all grid points which have not been visited by the satellite. For a given GrADS time index t, the satellite ground track is computed from t-0.5 to t+0.5 and this simulated ground track is used to mask a variable:

 ga-> open model
 ga-> define xts = re(ts,0.5) # higher resolution version
 ga-> set gxout grfill
 ga-> d orb_mask(xts,aqua)

By default, the variable is masked according to the satellite ground track. However, it is also possible to specify the swath width (in km),

 ga-> d orb_mask(xts,aqua,300)

You can also specify a halo, that is, additional gridpoints around the mask:

 ga-> set_orb halo 2
 ga-> d orb_mask(xts,aqua)

Halos are useful for interpolating gridded values to observation locations.



This command can be use to set several internal paramers, namely


Specify the timestep in seconds used to simulate the ground track. For example, a timestep of 60 seconds will cause of the (longitude,latitude) of the ground track to be computed every minute.


Specify the the type of mark used to plot the ground track. By default, MARK_TYPE=-1, and straight lines are used to plot the ground track. Other possibles values for MARK_TYPE are:

  1 - plus sign
  2 - open circle (default)
  3 - closed circle
  4 - open square
  5 - closed square
  6 - multiplication sign
  7 - open diamond
  8 - open triangle
  9 - closed triangle
 10 - open circle with vertical bar
 11 - closed circle with vertical bar

Specify the number of zonal gridpoints to extend an orbital mask with. The parameter LEFT is the number of gridpoints west of the mask, while RIGHT is the number of gridpoints east of the mask. When RIGHT is missing it is set the same as LEFT.


Specify the number of meridional gridpoints to extend an orbital mask with. The parameter BELOW is the number of gridpoints south of the mask, while ABOVE is the number of gridpoints to the north of the mask. When ABOVE is missing it is set the same as BELOW.


Specify the number of meridional and zonal gridpoints to extend an orbital mask with. The parameter LEFT is the number of gridpoints to the west/south of the mask, while RIGHT is the number of gridpoints to the east/north of the mask. When RIGHT is missing it is set the same as LEFT.

orb_track SATELLITE

This command plots the ground track for a given satellite. For a given GrADS time index t, the satellite ground track is computed from t-0.5 to t+0.5. This ground track is meant to be a simulation of the satellite orbit and should not be used for forecasting real satellite overpasses. This calculation is not based on realtime Two-line Element (TLE) data.


Currently the following NASA EOS satellites are supported



This function masks out those grind points which have not been visited by the satellite from grads time index t-0.5 to time index t+0.5. On can optionally specify a swath width.


GrADS expressions to be masked


Satellite name (Aqua, Terra, Aura, Calipso, CloudSat)


Width of the swath in kilometers, centered around the ground track. This gives SWATH_WIDTH/2 kilometers to the left/right of the ground track. Default is 0 (no swath).


Width of the swath in kilometers to the left and right of the satellite ground track. Default is 0 (no swath).


Swath resolution, in kilometers. Default is 10 km.



Arlindo da Silva (dasilva@opengrads.org) and Arif Albayrak.


This extension has been placed in the public domain.

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

 orb.gex - GrADS Extension Library for Satellite Orbit Masking